Thank you for your interest in ZipBridge and we appreciate the referral from PalmCentrix.  ZipBridge allows you to get a team on a call in seconds.  Launch the call, we call the members of the group and they are bridged on a conference call as they answer.  Simple and instant communication when you need it most!

You can order your ZipBridge service at the link below which includes a free trial so no credit card is needed at this time.  Once you place the trial order you will receive instructions for how to setup and use the service.  You will also have an opportunity to upgrade to a higher level plan and pay for the service and your selected plan online or by check after setting up the trial.

Feel Free to peruse the rest of the ZipBridge site.  To receive the Free Trial and properly track your order, please come back to this page and use the button above or enter “PalmCentrix” in the “Where did you hear about us” field if you signup from some other page.

ZipBridge 3-Minute Overview:

Launching a ZipBridge Call from your Smartphone:

Tap the App

Select the Group and Launch the Call or Group SMS


Or launch from your Contacts with the ZipLaunch Number
