I received a phone call from my daughter’s High School Principal last night letting me know they were closing school the next day due to a water outage. Well I received it along with every other parent and student and it was good to see my tax-funded mass notification system at work. But that wasn’t enough. What our school was missing was ZipBridge!

I knew this because they did not realize there was a major AP test the next day that half the Seniors and Juniors were taking. If the Principal had first launched an instant ZipBridge Outbound Conference call to get feedback from more school leaders, he would have taken a different approach. Instead, the cancellation caused a rash of emails between panicked students, parents and teachers. Finally the school arrived at the proper decision to allow the AP exam to proceed in the cafeteria with students using the bathrooms at an attached facility.

Mass notification is the front end of required communications. To make sure those communications are well thought out and fully informed, many schools first launch a ZipBridge outbound conference call to receive input from the full team. ZipBridge brings the team together on an instant reverse conference call in seconds, eliminating the need for phone chains or emails to secure feedback from all key people so the right plan is put into action. Time for a sales call to our local high school!