Screen shots of Group interfaceNEW More Modern Format

We are excited to announce a major upgrade of the ZipBridge App / User Interface. The intuitive functionality of Adding Groups, Editing or Adding Members and Launching Calls remain the same, just in a more modern intuitive format.

Calling In Screen Shot

NEW Countdown Feature

A new 4-second countdown feature when you launch a call lets you to see who is on it, the recording status (which you can change) or cancel the call if launched in error.

Member Updated screen shotChanges to the Call Recording feature

  • All calls are now set by default to NOT be recorded.
  • You can change this setting to record all calls at the Group level. Do this in advance by tapping on the Group and then the Gear under the Group Name.
  • You can also change the recording option from the new Countdown screen, before the call actually launches.
  • Once the recording option is set, this setting will persist for all calls for each Group until changed.
  • Recording for calls launched via ZipLaunch will follow whatever option you set under each Group.
  • Actual recordings are stored under the Accounts tab along with a wealth of other information.

Contact [email protected] if you prefer to not have recording as an available feature at all.

Copy ZipLaunch to Contacts

To make it super easy to setup launching a Group from the Contacts of your phone we created the text to copy under the Group Settings (See image above). Just click “Copy” then paste that in as the Phone Number for the Contact in your phone. It will automatically paste in the ZipLaunch Number, the pauses and the ZipLaunch Code. Save it as the named Group and you are ready to launch a call to that Group by just tapping that Contact. You can also share that link with team members for them to add to their phones.

Removal of Remember Me function

The “Remember Me” option on the login screen has been removed. Your session will remain active unless you Logout (under Account) or close the screen.

You can have your browser save your password. If not already setup, you can do so with these steps:

  • For iPhone:  Go to Settings -> Passwords, then set AutoFill Passwords to Yes
  • For Android: Go to Settings -> Google -> Google Account -> Security -> Signing in to other sites -> Saved Passwords -> Turn “Save Passwords” on. More information here.

Please take a few minutes to check out the new interface before your next ZipBridge call. We are certain you will like what you see and be ready to originate a reverse conference call to communicate with your team in seconds!