ZipBridge is the easiest platform to perform emergency conference calls available today. Our solutions are quick, simple, and effective. To optimize your ZipBridge experience, take a look at three best practice tips to make unscheduled event response time even lower:

-Add your main ZipBridge number into your Contacts with a custom ring tone. This will ensure that all members in that specific group can easily recognize from a distance when a high-priority ZipBridge call is incoming. This trick gets people on a call quickly, and when the receiving party recognizes the call, they’ll make an effort to answer every time.

For example, it is 10:00 PM, and you are at home with the family when you hear your identifiable ZipBridge ring tone. Surely something is up! Whether there is a security breach or leaky pipe at your business, you can be notified immediately to take action to remedy the urgent situation before too much damage is caused.

-Keep the CallerID for your groups as the default number (the dial-in number). This way individuals who miss a call can simply dial back the number that called them to join the conversation (no PIN needed).  When a new caller enters an in-progress call, the system notifies the existing members with a beep sound. Standard etiquette for callers who join late is to refrain from announcing themselves when they join. Always wait for a pause in the discussion to announce yourself to avoid interrupting.  

-Mute your phone while you are listening. Unless you are talking or in a quiet area, your phone should be on mute. Phones pick up background noises so always utilize this feature (all phones have it) to keep the call quality as clear as possible for everyone.


To setup your Contacts to auto-launch a call for any Group, just enter the ZipLaunch number and then add a Pause (see below) followed by the ZipLaunch Code. It’s easier than it sounds. It will look like this:

Now, every authorized individual can launch a call right from their Contacts for any Group!  They don’t even need a Smart Phone! Users can program this into wired phones under preset speed dial numbers to seamlessly launch an emergency call with one click!

** To add a Pause to the dialing string with an iPhone, press the

[+*#] Key when entering the number then select Pause. Repeat two more times to add enough of a Pause.  With an Android, change the entry to text and select a comma.

To sign up or start your free trial, visit or send us an email to [email protected].  Phone inquiries can be directed to  469-249-3770. Thanks for reading. We hope this helped you Zip through the process quicker than ever!